November 29, 2021

Congratulations to Encore Healthcare President & CEO, Zach Gantt, RRT for being inducted into the newest class of Fellows of the American Association for Respiratory Care!
What is the AARC Fellowship Program? AARC Fellows exhibit the qualities and attributes of true professionals by contributing to the art and science of respiratory care. In 1998, AARC began this program to recognize the achievements and contributions of these members by conferring upon those who meet the criteria the AARC Fellow designation and the right to use the FAARC identifier after their names.
An AARC Fellowship will be conferred upon those who have met a standard of excellence in the practice of respiratory care. A Fellows’ contributions extend beyond his or her individual job to a wider sphere of influence. Through educational achievement, validation of competency through advanced credentials, research initiatives, publication, and clinical initiatives, an AARC Fellow will have made a mark as a respiratory care professional of distinction.